Parker is 7!

We celebrated Parker’s 7th birthday! Because we just had a big vacation, I decided not to do a big party and instead just bring cupcakes to his class and let him have his best friend come for a Minecraft themed sleepover. At first he seemed okay with this decision, but he later decided it wasn’t fair to not have a real party, and he let me know it for weeks to come. I created birthday party monsters and now there’s no going back.

At 7, Parker brings so much joy. He really is a kid that can get along with anyone. His teacher often praises him for being such a good friend, even to the kids who have a harder time making friends. He learns rapidly and has a curiosity about all things. When he is excited about a topic, he can talk nonstop about it for hours with no regard for redirection. He is passionate about protecting the environment and worries about the Earth’s future. He loves building all things- legos, domino tracks, Minecraft villages, driftwood shelter. He keeps asking us for his own wood work shop. He enjoys reading silly books like the Wayside School series. He tries to be stoic, but feels deeply and has a strong sense of justice. We love his heart and we are so proud of the kiddo he is!

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